Purchasing index shows slowed manufacturing sector

The Purchasing
Manager’s Index (PMI) has shown that Nigeria’s manufacturing sector is
still in crisis despite improvements being recorded in the economy.
Data sourced from the Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) showed that the manufacturing PMI stood at 47.7 index
points in March 2017, indicating declines in the manufacturing sector
for the third consecutive month.
The PMI is an indicator of the economic
health of the manufacturing sector and it is based on five major
indicators: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier
deliveries and the employment environment.
A composite PMI above 50 points
indicates that the manufacturing/non-manufacturing economy is generally
expanding: 50 points indicates no change and below 50 points indicates
that it is generally declining.
Both the recent real GDP and inflation
statistics released separately by the National Bureau of Statistics have
shown marginal improvements in the health of the overall nation’s
economy but improvement in the manufacturing sector is still low.
The PMI shows that production level is
expanding, new orders are declining at a slower rate, supplier delivery
time is improving from worsening condition, employment level is
declining at a slower rate, and raw material inventories are declining
at a slower rate.
Analysis showed that the production level index for manufacturing sector expanded in March 2017 to stand at 50.8 points.