Stock market halts 9-Day rally, dips by N131Bn

The Equities market of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) closed yesterday on a negative note, with the market capitalization dipping by N131 Billion to close at N11.1 Trillion after 9 straight days of positive postings
The NSE All Share Index (ASI) depreciated by -1.16 per cent to close at 32,200.38 basis points, as against +3.85% appreciation recorded previously. Its Year-to-Date (YTD) returns currently stands at +19.82%.
Market breadth closed positive as STERLNBANK led 38 Gainers against 22 Losers topped by MOBIL at the end of today’s session- an unimproved performance when compared with previous outlook.
Market turnover closes positive as volume moved up by +16.33 per cent against -9.59 per cent downtick recorded in the previous session. DIAMONDBNK, FIDELITYBK and ACCESS were the most active to boost market turnover. ZENITHBANK and GUARANTY topped market value list.