Sexuality should not restrict the freedom to meet and speak

Recently, two incidents brought home the reality of daring to express a sense of sexuality that is different from what the mainstream Nigeria knows or socially believes to be the only sexuality. In the first incident, the winner of the Brunel African Prize, Romeo Oriogun , was subject to online insults and physical attacks following his winning of the prize. The online attack was disappointing as they were not based on the quality of his writing but based on him writing on a sexuality that challenges heteronormative in a society like Nigeria.
While we were still debating the ideology behind such attack, another writer and author of an essay on the literary blog, Brittle Paper, ‘We’re Here and We’re Queer, We’re Here,’ was kidnapped allegedly on the grounds of his writing on queer person in Nigeria. The fact that we are limiting expression either through sexuality or writing around such is extremely worrying as this is looking like a new form of policing and a subtle way of shutting people up from talking about their realities or the realities of things they see around them. It was further disturbing to read the comments following the news of the kidnapping. Considering the menace that kidnapping has become within Nigeria, it was a shame to see the absence of empathy for his predicament. In both instances, through mediation, both persons are now free and unharmed. But we must ask what kind of society menaces its writers for what they write about?
Before these two incidents, 53 young men were arrested for holding an alleged ‘gay wedding’ – thanks to the media and police for pushing false narrative of things that never happened. From investigation done at TIERs, the party was a birthday celebration and not a gay wedding as alleged by police and media – online and print media need to do better at investigating stories before publishing
Recently, two incidents brought home the reality of daring to express a sense of sexuality that is different from what the mainstream Nigeria knows or socially believes to be the only sexuality. In the first incident, the winner of the Brunel African Prize, Romeo Oriogun , was subject to online insults and physical attacks following his winning of the prize. The online attack was disappointing as they were not based on the quality of his writing but based on him writing on a sexuality that challenges heteronormative in a society like Nigeria.
While we were still debating the ideology behind such attack, another writer and author of an essay on the literary blog, Brittle Paper, ‘We’re Here and We’re Queer, We’re Here,’ was kidnapped allegedly on the grounds of his writing on queer person in Nigeria. The fact that we are limiting expression either through sexuality or writing around such is extremely worrying as this is looking like a new form of policing and a subtle way of shutting people up from talking about their realities or the realities of things they see around them. It was further disturbing to read the comments following the news of the kidnapping. Considering the menace that kidnapping has become within Nigeria, it was a shame to see the absence of empathy for his predicament. In both instances, through mediation, both persons are now free and unharmed. But we must ask what kind of society menaces its writers for what they write about?
Before these two incidents, 53 young men were arrested for holding an alleged ‘gay wedding’ – thanks to the media and police for pushing false narrative of things that never happened. From investigation done at TIERs, the party was a birthday celebration and not a gay wedding as alleged by police and media – online and print media need to do better at investigating stories before publishing.